GLC Biotechnology, Inc. has developed a set of technologies covering the entire spectrum of stool DNA tests for colon cancer screening. For example, one of the biggest barriers for stool DNA tests to detect colon precancerous tumors is the scarcity of tumor-derived DNA in stool. Thus efficient DNA extraction from stool is essential to stool DNA testing. We have invented proprietary, patented methods for DNA extraction from stool, which can extract as much as 10x more DNA from stool than current technologies.
The scarcity of tumor-derived DNA in stool, especially for earlier-stage tumors, also makes it challenging to detect DNA with high sensitivity. GLC has developed an innovative DNA detection technology that can detect 0.01% tumor-derived DNA, significantly increasing the precancerous polyp detection rate.
These innovative technologies together provide GLC a platform to develop a next-generation stool DNA test to better prevent, detect, and manage treatment of colon cancer.